So you're being replaced
The pitfalls of the Liberals' Punjabi caste system have hit the mainstream, with changes supposedly coming. But we've been here before. It's action, not announcements, that will matter.
The sun is piping up past the gates of dawn, and it’s cool and cloudy in the North Shore mountains of B.C.’s Lower Mainland. This writer approaches a summit after an 800m climb. The rocks are slippery, the path narrow. Up ahead, two dozen post-2021 temporary foreign workers and University Canada West ‘student’ males materialize from out of the mist, taking phone calls on speaker and staring holes into female passersby.
Their existence in the space carries a feeling of incongruity; the air is thick with it. From where there was supposed to be quiet, there is now plenty. The serenity of branches underfoot, birds overhead, and the rhythm of one’s breathing is broken.
No one wants to be frustrated with their government before they’ve had their morning coffee, or while attempting to hike themselves clean.
But elections have consequences.
On rare occasions, they come with consequences so far-reaching that one can’t escape them even if they try.
There is finally movement on the Liberals’ dramatic shattering of a Canadian immigration system only recently celebrated the world over.
Or at least, the appearance of movement.
Take a bow, blissfully normal and principled readers, all it had to take was record youth unemployment, the attempt to replace an entire workforce, the economic and socially catastrophic de-skilling of a border, 600k+ expired VISAs without deportation (another one-million+ are believed to be missing), the Liberals being castigated by the United Nations for “modern slave labour” practices, rising frustrations and tensions as a “scarcity mindset” takes hold for the millions who feel abandoned or exploited, and mainstream Op-eds and charts like the one below becoming impossible to ignore.
Not to mention, the deeply valued efforts by independents such as Darshan Maharaja, and many of you here, who worked tirelessly to get matters of deliberate-country-breaking before as many eyes as possible.
Thankfully, these efforts may not have been in vain, but they’re also far from over.
For governments known to be invested in — and loyal to — anyone but their citizens, who historically offer tepid and indignant course corrections via a series of announcements, and then hope the public doesn’t notice they haven’t changed a damned thing, we’d be fools to take them at their word.
Just two days ago, they were found to be trying to grant PRs to “tier 4” and “tier 5” low-skill workers, which includes delivery drivers and service workers.
And recent proposals for fixing their mess of expired non-permanent fake students and ‘temporary’ foreign workers who won’t leave have involved… making them permanent.