But seriously, stop listening to these people
Trudeau serves up more red meat for his worried-well electorate, the conspiracy theorists keep racking up the wins, 'Tru-Anon' sets out to defend the indefensible, and legacy media goes silent.
“There are only patterns, patterns on top of patterns, patterns that affect other patterns. Patterns hidden by patterns. Patterns within patterns. If you watch close, history does nothing but repeat itself.” -Chuck Palahniuk
It was winter, one year ago, and the man I’m forced to write about more often than I’d like found himself similarly swollen and stuffed under a scarf and suit, with a forecast calling for the complete absence of ‘Sunny ways.’
Trudeau, self-isolating with non-existent-to-mild respiratory symptoms — as one does when the barbarians are at the gates — could barely bring himself to acknowledge the presence of the citizens who had the gall to shatter the thin veneer of distance that politicians are able to keep from the electorate.
Leaning on ostensibly-imagined secondhand tales of violence, and claiming the protesters’ presence was an “insult to science,” Beijing’s man in Ottawa made the whole situation worse, out of an inherent need to provide red meat for his worried-well and unquestioning base.
Back in the here and now, the pattern repeats itself. Trudeau found another strawman, in the form of a made-militant protester the PM was able to tee off on to garner some cheap heat from a crowd who were largely there for far greater reasons than to end up in a soundbite to be fawned over by the Vicky Campbells of the world.
His imagined enemy thoroughly ‘owned,’ the overly-choreographed moment had the desired effect. The corporate press loved it. His Tru-Anon supporters loved it. And it brought back memories of a similar moment of emotional dysregulation from the Trudeau vault: his infamous ‘Fuhrer rant’ against sharing the air with the unvaccinated (which, if one remembers, included every Canadian child at the time in 2021).
He of course had no science to back up those claims; only, The Science.
And it was that same The Science that helped him hang on to a slim majority in 2021. (That, the O’Toole campaign taking leave of their Conservative senses, and assistance from some mysterious new associates belonging to the Mandarin Bloc.)
The weaponization of the ‘clean’ against the ‘unclean’ has been ol’ reliable for the world’s most brutal dictators since time immemorial, why wouldn’t it work for Uncle Fidel’s favourite?
Even if we’re being charitable, and perhaps attributing 2021’s ‘Fuhrer rant’ to having been sold a bill of goods by the pharmaceutical industry and Public Health bureaucrats who have made a career out of failing upwards, there’s no excusing 2022, and the great “insult to science.”
Because that’s the thing about real science — and not the Fauci-Tam variety — it’s not binary. It doesn’t need defending, because it has to be challenged — always. Its very existence is incongruous with myth-making, storytelling, politicking, and the bulk of polite society’s preconceived notions.
What an inconvenience to the weak men destined to create hard times. Stage even the most successful of white tent revivals, and still, on a long enough timeline, the magic and the madness in the crowd are predestined to fade. The oxytocin wears off. The spell breaks.
The moment has come and passed, even for the politicians still stuck Dean-screaming on behalf of their own interests, special interests, vested interests…
And would you look at that? That pesky science changed again.
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The difference between a so-called ‘right wing’ conspiracy theory and the unvarnished truth? Six months.
Save this one for the next time a Tim Caulfield or Ben Collins starts opining about the need to control ‘misinformation.’
The lab leak was real. Of course it was.
As John Stewart attempted to explain to full-on pharma-stooge Stephen Colbert in the midst of all the silliness, “there was an explosion of chocolatey goodness in Hershey, Pennsylvania.”
But he forgot to account for the cardinal sin from those horrid two years where progressives took leave of their senses: Stewart was right too early.
That makes you a conspiracy theorist.
And if you’re reading this, you were probably branded as one too.
The right-too-early crowd lost friends and family members to that dreaded scarlet letter.
The powers that be were wrong on:
Covid origins
Community masking
Closed schools
Closed businesses
The usefulness of vaccine passports
Infection-acquired immunity
The efficacy of the vaccines
The safety profile for the young and healthy
But we were the crazy ones. In the eyes of many, we still are.
“A perfect record of anti-science failure,” says Stanford professor Jay Bhattacharya, who was perhaps more castigated than any for asking the right questions at the wrong time.
The problem here is two-fold: that suppression dynamic is now coded into the DNA of corporate/party loyalists barely masquerading as yellow journalists, and much like the gain of function research sitting in the basement of a building run by potential donors to the Trudeau Foundation, that approach has a way of spreading to other discussions. (Read: all of them.)
All quiet on the Western Front, or, at least at the Toronto Star, CTV, and CBC.
“The same old clickbait bullsh*t,” Gerald Butts, the disgraced former principal secretary to his college drinking buddy attempted to get away with a few days ago.
Still, er, ‘Butts hurt,’ from the award-winning Globe reporting that led to his resignation and tarnished legacy, Canada’s chief importer of phony culture wars, who cannot last a day without projecting his foibles onto others (“the Conservatives are rage farming!”), hasn’t been handling the Liberal/CCP leaks well. Predictably, no one in Tru-Anon has.
But this isn’t a story they can just wish away using like-minded non-Globe-reporters, and that steely mix of emotional dysregulation and ad hominem attack.
The intelligence leaks will keep coming. The story remains bigger than any one CSIS morsel to date.
Just this morning, we learned that Beijing fixers were attempting to use Justin Trudeau’s private foundation — which also pays off certain Canadian journalists — as a potential rathole for CCP interests. And that attempted influence goes as far back as 2013.
Is it too early to call him the Peoplechurian Candidate?
For readers of the newsletter in 23 countries and counting, this is the biggest Canadian political scandal in a decade. (Perhaps ever?)
Canada’s unserious, ethically-challenged flaneur of a boot-polished PM appears to have benefited from immense Chinese proxy organization assistance in key ridings during multiple elections.
For all that Trudeau — and those like him — enjoy thumbing their nose at our neighbours to the south, the foreign interference call is actually coming from inside the house. This isn’t politically-torqued Russia-gate nonsense, denizens of Parliament Hill have whispered about the uneasy relationship between Trudeau and China for years.
Perhaps the biggest scandal ever… so one would think it would be everywhere, right? Not so fast, this is media-subsidized Canada, after all.
Here are the front pages of CBC News, CTV News, and the Toronto Star from over the weekend (and they haven’t changed much since).
Notice anything?
Yep, all quiet on the Western Front.
Even in an era known for the death of trust in the corporate press, explicit partisan programming, and government backdoors and influence into almost all that we see and hear online, this represents a new low for Canadian newsrooms which were once frequented by men such as Ernest Hemingway; men with actual principles related to their craft.
“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.”
Well, Toronto and Ottawa are certainly no Paris in the roaring 20s. And life inside the Laurentian bubble is no moveable feast.
If anything, it’s more of a seasonal affective disorder.
But would you look at that, the scandal of the century finally made the back pages of the paper Hemingway once called home. Pity, it's only in there as a means of laundering desperate PMO talking points that any/all criticism of foreign interference into democratic elections is “racist.”
You almost have to admire the hubris; the ‘Fuhrer rants’ and lesser shrieks before a crowd; these unending ‘last’ refuges of a scoundrel.
“There are only patterns, patterns on top of patterns…”
When character need not apply — and it never has — why change course? It pays to be that sallow-looking preacher that struts and frets upon the stage.
And the cheque can be made out to:
The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation
600 - 1980 Sherbrooke Street West
Montréal, Québec Canada H3H 1E8
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Thoroughly good. I LOLed at "full-on pharma-stooge Stephen Colbert," and that "peoplekind" YouTube clip should be required viewing for any recovering ex-liberals (or recovering liberals, whichever is the correct phrase).