Feb 1Liked by Alexander Brown

Danielle Smith will prevail over the insanity out there. We must back her up. One week and the storm blows over.

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Well said, Yvonne. These tempestuous moments always remind me of the Eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings. It will fix its gaze elsewhere soon enough.

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If social media vanished so would trans.

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Social media and influence certainly plays a part in the recent spike of kids identifying differently. I had a few doctors, scientists, and politicians during Covid tell me that if Twitter wasn't around, there never would have been lockdowns.

I don't believe it would "vanish," but return to a number akin to the 0.5% for trans-identifying adults, which would make more sense than the sharp rise on offer. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/10/science/transgender-teenagers-national-survey.html

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Feb 1Liked by Alexander Brown

Danielle Smith will be alright. There are many more of us than these looney toons that want to destroy our kids. They're the fringe.

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Yes, she certainly will. And she has the right folks around her who are used to managing Edmonton's professional activist circuit.

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Feb 1Liked by Alexander Brown

Sincere question, how do we support Smith? I want to but how?

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No magic formula, but civic engagement, letters to editors, votes at the ballot box, posts on social, conversations with fellow normal adults, and not siding with the crew who probably want to burn down the Alberta legislature is a good start.

Being normal, I suppose.

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Feb 2Liked by Alexander Brown

Well im a loudmouth and a letter writer so Ill just continue. ✅

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Feb 1Liked by Alexander Brown

Vote out all liberals and NDP across Canada.

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Feb 1Liked by Alexander Brown

One has to wonder if the fascination with this subject will eventually lose its appeal. Perhaps this is what happens to a society whose physiological and safety needs (as outlined in Maslow's Hierarchy) are sated. Efforts turn to causes that can generate attention, while appearing to be well meaning. Perfect for those addicted to social media platforms.

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Thanks, Ted. Good point.

There certainly appears to be some kind of repeating pattern, wherein a rise of luxury beliefs and fiddling at the margins occurs once the necessities are taken care of. Rogan suggested as much after a conversation with Douglas Murray, and caught flak for it, as he is used to. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6324035268112

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That is a very interesting clip. Nice to know that there are principled folks using their access to the public in a constructive manner.

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Feb 3Liked by Alexander Brown

Danielle Smith will be fine Alexander. She knows that she has the backing of common sense Albertans and Canadians.

That said, we should not let our guard down on this, or any of the other woke items on the lefts' agenda list.


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Well said, Peter.

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Feb 1Liked by Alexander Brown

Choildren are too young to make these life-altering decisions.

Would you let a child that young pilot a plane on which you're a passenger or do surgery on you?

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They sure are. Hard to believe an infinitesimally small percentage of people feel otherwise -- and that half of them appear to be in legacy media or politics.

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No she isn’t.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2Author

Yes, I meant more in the 'takes a barrage of nonsense from insane people' sense. I do believe she can take it, and her team has handled this very well.

Could have probably worded the title better in the moment.

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