Jun 5Liked by Alexander Brown

"This is exactly who they are, and wish for us to be." Gorgeous writing and great conclusion, AB. Reading the report is disgusting, but it serves them best if we roll over in a nausea-induced fetal, making federal bureaucrats and supplicants of us all. Not gonna.

A few things one has to love about the report, beyond the fact that it made what Sam Cooper has warned about official knowledge: it spelled out in truly helpful detail the government spying-on-citizens/censorship infrastructure set up after Trump's election.

And is it not poetic irony that the same infrastructure that was to root out Russian bots in our election turned up these truffles of a wholly different provenance? If it hadn't been for the fixation of the PCO on "Trump stole the election with Russian help," would the PMO have been placed in the awkward position of having to suppress, ignore, send back all those reports?

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Thank you kindly, friend! Tried to tie it all together. Sometimes it works. :)

A good week for Cooper, Glavin, et. al. Bad week for many legacy journos and the PMO speed-dial crowd. Appreciate the astute point on the imagined Russian dragnet. Hadn't even concerned they were bit by their own hand on this. A true lesson they'll surely ignore, as they bulldoze their way towards seizing new and unprecedented powers before election '25.

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Jun 5Liked by Alexander Brown

Just when it seemingly couldn't get any worse, Canada's normalcy has continued to deteriorate. Hopefully, names and their faces will be presented - along with irrefutable evidence of treasonous behaviour. Those found guilty must be dealt with in a manner that discourages similar transgressions in the future.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

Hard to believe! And thanks for the insights, Ted.

I'd be surprised if the level of discouragement rises above losing in the polls. If they pull the pin on this, you could roll up a third of the town.

To which I say, bring it on.

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We have known the entire Trudeau family, pere, fils, et toutes les autres, have been in China’s sights and pockets for, well, long enough for the pampered son to be put in as their figurehead. As I write, I’m well on the road to leaving this sinking ship and I hope my pensions survive after it hits bottom. Otherwise, like Leonard Cohen, after a lifetime of work I’ll be trying to earn some kind of a living in the tropics hoping I’m not past my expiry date.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Author

Don't blame you for pursuing that, Janet! I'm keeping my eye on that in the decades ahead...

Maybe open up a little beach hut hostel for your freedom-minded pals in need of safe harbour? :)

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We’re an hour from Domincal in Costa Rica, right around the corner from the Pan American highway in a semi-rural neighborhood. Haven’t given up the cottage, our primary res in Canada now. If it proves too much to keep both, we know which will go. We have extra bedrooms down there; thinking of doing airbnb. You’re welcome.

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Sounds like a fantastic set-up. May take you up on that one day!

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My husband says he doesn’t want to be in Canada when the next election rolls around. If things go as they have been we could be in for a very rough ride. We are both ex-mil but he was Spec Ops way back, so he had learned about the signs of destabilization. I personally think Trudeau is a sociopath, he will do anything to hold on to power, so will the foreign agents who fund him, well-embedded all through our society. the advisors he surrounds himself with have shown they have no qualms about breaking every law in the book suppressing dissent, the intelligence services already have plans in place to quell such which are all redacted, there are a few underground veterans’ groups and others who will mount resistance (what did we think the gun ban was put in place for anyway?) and already the violent rent-a-mobs have been warming up. These are all welcome excuses to trample all over what rights we may have shreds of remaining. So we want to be far far away.

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Jun 6Liked by Alexander Brown

This article falls into the category of... "Tell us what you really think Alex."

Great job.

The Trudeau Lieberals are treasonous, and in complete melt-down mode.

There will definitely be a documents leak soon when someone, with a shred of Canadian loyalty, takes it upon themselves to inform the country of this malfeasance.

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Hah, appreciate that Peter. Document leak of some kind is coming, or they'll attempt to throw Dong to the wolves. Issue being for them: what if he talks.

Either way, this ends ugly.

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Jun 6Liked by Alexander Brown

It’s a good thing we don’t have any reliable navel vessels otherwise they’d be made to walk the plank.

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Wouldn't that be nice!

Hard to believe I was writing about a version of that naval vessel a year ago: https://www.acceptableviews.co/p/notes-from-a-sinking-liberal-ship

What a deeply unserious few years from this lot.

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