We just spent the last years being told how horrible Canada is. Unjust, racist, misogynist, colonizers, all the buzz words. Waving the Canadian flag gave lefties reason to call you a white supremacist. Flags on Terry Fox statue ,.. RACISM .. burning a Canadian flag while singing Death to Canada; bring it on ! We have many black eyes from our past, and we have done so much to address them and can continue to do more, but this whole breakdown of “Being Canadian” has been just awful. And now, look at this! Trump talks about taking the country over and all these people who crapped all over everything Canada ever stood for now want to stand up and be Canadian. Amazing how that works.I bet some of my left wing media talking heads who called everyone in the convoy a Nazi are sure going to be happy to see a bunch of dudes driving around in trucks waving Canadian flags now! Its like decrying Toxic Masculinity for years and years and as soon as your home is burning you suddenly want some real muscular beer drinking cads to be brave enough to put their life on the line to save your dog. Because sure as heck those mental health pill popping guys who are saying they are feminists just to get laid at the local university won’t do it. And who would like to admit that Donald Trump becoming President is actually going to save Canada and strengthen our cohesion and sovereignty and maybe even get Canadians to want a proud military again. It is getting rid of JT, the horrible parts of the left are dialing down, and we may even see people be proud to be Canadian again.

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Well said, Davey. Absolutely.

I can appreciate that for some, mileage varies on their opinion on President Trump and his methods, but I think it's fairly obvious there have been net positives on the tariff threats and the Art of the Deal sh*t talk. He has helped a) force the Liberals to clean up our appalling border and mass immigration non-standard and b) even tricked them into professing their love of country.

Gee, this may make certain Globe and Star columnists lose sleep, but those are some not-insignificant silver linings for a country that just ran itself into the absolute dirt for the last few years.

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Spot on analysis of this frustrating phenomenon Alex.

It must displease the post nationalist nincompoop and his posse of nattering numpties to witness this sudden surge of patriotism. Such a pity.

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Ted, I thought I was the one with the alliterative flare, and then you come along and outsmart me in the comments once again!

Such a pity indeed, but we're getting there. Even if they don't mean it, being 4D-chess'd into saying "Canada First" is deeply amusing.

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Wait what happened? They suddenly found their core identity? 😉

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Impossible, Carol! As the little prince just put on the American airwaves, our only identity is "not American."


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Just when I thought I had heard it all. First off I have never once thought to myself “Hey what makes me a Canadian?” - oh I know the fact that I am “not” another countryman. Also that is extremely offensive in my opinion. “Hey we may not know who we are but thank Heavens we are not you!!!” Way to throw out the olive branch there Justin. Please for the love of God, stop talking man 🙄

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He hasn't learned a thing. No one should expect him to, either. All we can do is destroy him, and his legacy.

Narcissism has no cure.

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Ha ha! But I don’t think they could find their own unique opinion if you gave them all the time in the world… group think - it keeps going on… now Elon is bad alien man apparently! Grrrrr. Sick of these stupid “conversations” I keep being drawn into in my small community. I give my honest response and the “conversation” (so called - really an often repeated media line) abruptly ends! Result!

Good points Alex. So maddening.

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It all depends on the latest firmware settings, updated by corporate sponsors and the censorship industrial complex.

Hope you keep finding your tribe, Sam; that can be incredibly alienating. Know that there are fellow thought criminals just across the Howe Sound.

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Sniff, sniff, what's that smell emanating from the hallowed halls of the P.M.O.? Could that be the smell of election thought brewing?

Has his Emminence, Lord Fauntleroy of the House Trudeau sensed a viable election issue to trounce that Conservative upstart Poilievre?

"Draw up the battle plans Katie and rouse the troops, for I, Lord Fauntleroy of the House Trudeau, have gleaned the ultimate wedge issue to slay the usurper."

Enter Trump, who knows how to make a deal. Trudeau won't stand a chance. Poilievre, maybe.

Trump is trolling big time. In some ways, it's hilarious to watch the heads explode in Canada and elsewhere.

I sure hope Mr. Nibs is thinking along those lines. Because Poilievre will be emulating Jack from Mass Effect 2... "I WILL DESTROY YOU" 😅

Another nail pounded firmly down Alex. Well done.


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Peter may have to comp you a few free months for another Mass Effect reference. One of the great game trailers of all time (and an awesome end-game, point-of-no-return section): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx9sPQpjgjU

I've been greatly enjoying the Final Fantasy 7 remake project, and it has a similar importance-of-team-morale dynamic down the stretch.

(And terrific insight on Trudeau's sorry attempt at one last wedge issue. He's clearly hitting CNN and MSNBC for a reason. Embarrassing.)

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Yup, the 'Mass Effect Trilogy' is my greatest game of all time. I've played the Legendary Edition at least 4 times since it came out and I've lost track of how much I've replayed the original edition.

You'd think I'd have all of the tricks down pat. Nope, I found out a trick a few months ago about dealing with Arbiter 'Assuming control'. It turns out that Kasumi's 'Flash Bang' power completely negates Artibers' Dark Matter blasts for the duration of each assumption of control. You have to hit him each time he assumes control but, it turns him into a normal enemy. Who'd a thought?? 😅


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Hah love this. I need to take some notes for my next playthrough!

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Turtle island. Turtle island. I totally forgot about turtle island. It’s so funny how those sanctimonious nut suckers clutch the flag now.

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My favourite aspect of "Turtle Island," is how white Liberal activists replaced the Indigenous words with European "colonial" language, and didn't notice how much that undercuts their nonsense.

A country-hating hat on a hat.


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Another A+ piece, Alex. Comprehensive, and entertaining.

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Greatly appreciate that, kind sir. Couldn't do it without you.

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Very good read! Happy I subscribed!!

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Thank you Kimberly! Happy to have you!

I'm very lucky to have this growing community here.

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Well done sir! Enjoyed every word.

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Thank you Mitch, means a lot! Why I'm here.

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