Jun 5, 2023Liked by Alexander Brown

Jagmeet Singh is, and has always been, a self serving communist. He will only ever do the "right thing" if it is in some way a benefit to him. He is just as dangerous as Trudeau, and together they are a double threat. I'm surprised their two parties haven't amalgamated yet.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023Author

Agreed. The Liberals will glom onto the NDP whenever it best suits them, but to make it 'Facebook official' would be to admit that both parties no longer have any real interest in sticking to ye old party principles. The CPC's best (and only?) shot at bunker-busting that arrangement lies in a majority victory that brings out the knives.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Alexander Brown

An excellent description of the circus that Canada's Parliament has become. A growing number of characters with red noses and over-sized shoes are slowly destroying Canada's traditional values, its financial health, the personal freedoms of its citizens and its global reputation. A once proud nation, that punched above its weight on the international stage, is becoming increasingly irrelevant thanks to the clowns that currently run the show in Ottawa. Unfortunately, most of the Canadian taxpayer subsidized mainstream media appears to be of the same mind as their political commissars.

With the country's educational elites on the same page as these Bytown buffoons, it is no surprise that our children are being indoctrinated with similar thinking. You have to wonder what might be in store for Canadians during the next decade.

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Thanks for the insight, Ted. I reckon we're a bit bruised and battered after the 8th or 9th round, but we still have our legs.

It's becoming more permissible for parents to push back against the worst of the nonsense. Definitely some green grass growing through the snow.

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Someone should design a game board for the political scene that might unfold in the next 30 months.. 30 long months..

A snake and ladder style.

Jagmeet just swung to a different lander and grabbed the “honour” rung, no point in calling an election when the election process is rigged.

Pierre lost his footing with his shoe in mouth comment about teachers leaving mid term..

Justin, well he keeps just keeps loosing his turn, lecturing others from his glass house.

The Bloc only gets to roll every 10th time but Yves rolls loaded dice..so..

The Greens rolling to sign the secrecy NDAgreement but Csis would rather give the chance to the peoples party.. who are rolling for a seat in the game..

Other ladders and snakes..


Legalized drugs

The price of gasoline this summer

The price of beer this summer

Which European green battery plant will get the most cash

The next rapporteur report snake or ladder?

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Love this idea, Howi. If I had any talent for graphic design, I'd start playing around with the concept!

Another summer of violence and decay in our cities, combined with that second carbon tax will be quite the snake. As for a ladder? I'm sure the Liberals will find some form of slacktivist wedge to bludgeon ordinary folk with.

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